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Year 12 Psychology: Practical Investigation


Search the library catalogue or browse the psychology books in the 150's in the non-fiction shelves. The books below may also be useful.

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General Psychology Websites

Psychology Articles for Students
The different branches of psychology are explored in this website for students, including explanations of important theories and studies.


Science Daily
Science news articles with a focus on the mind and brain. Enter key terms in the search box for relevant articles and studies.


This blog by psychologist and author, Dr Jeremy Dean, is about scientific research into how the mind works. There is a search box on the ‘Explore Psyblog’ page.


Brain Blogger
Brain Blogger reviews news and research related to neuroscience/neurology, psychology/psychiatry and health/healthcare.


Social Psychology Network

One of the largest Internet sites devoted to psychological research and teaching. In these pages, you'll find more than 20,000 links related to psychology.


Neuroscience News

Here you will find articles about research in the field of neuroscience.


Live Science
A searchable website of science news stories.


Psychology Articles
PsyArticles publishes articles and features with a focus on psychological research and theory. Use the search feature to locate relevant articles.


Psychology Today
Browse by topic, search by keywords or search past issues of the Psychology Today magazine.


Science Alert

A science news website. Use the search feature to find relevant articles.


Science News for Students
Easy to read news articles on the body and brain


PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full text articles.


Full-Text Psychology Journals

There are a number of psychology, social science, and medical journals that offer free full-text articles.


Psychology: An Introduction
A complete psychology textbook written by Russell A. Dewey


ABC Radio National - All in the Mind
An exploration of the brain and behaviour, and the connections between them. You can listen to a program or download a transcript.


AllPsych Online: The virtual psychology classroom
This website includes text books, reference books, and online tests and quizzes.


Britannica School​

  1. Select High level and enter keywords

  2. Click on EBSCO Journals (left side). This will take you to journal articles on your topic.


State Library of Victoria

Join the State Library of Victoria for access to a wide range of databases with journal articles on research studies; information that is often not freely available on the Internet. You can join online.

Search Engines

Sweet Search

Experts have evaluated all of the websites gathered by the search engine, Sweet Search. The site aims to assist students in finding good quality, reliable information.


Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides access to articles and reports published in academic journals.


Learning and Memory

Learning and Memory

This chapter from a book on neuroscience looks at: the different types of memory; where in the brain is memory located; how does memory work; how can memory be maintained and improved.


Memory, attention, and distraction

The Genetic Science Learning Centre presents topics on memory and attention and distraction.


Learning and memory

Ongoing studies are helping scientists identify how different areas of the brain work together to enhance memory formation and storage.

Stress and brain function

Emotional stress can change brain function
New research has shown that a single exposure to acute stress affected information processing in the cerebellum -- the area of the brain responsible for motor control and movement coordination and also involved in learning and memory formation.

Create a Reference List

Cite This For Me: APS (American Physiological Society) style guides

Use this citation generator to create your Reference list

Task description, logbook and assessment 

Scientific Investigation Logbook

Assessment Rubric

Units 1-4: Key Science Skills

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